9 January 2008
Today I learned about money.
I read My secret unicorn page 1 to 3 .
I swam 40 laps.
I painted a rainbow.
10 January 2008
I drew a cross.
We went shopping.
We made bobotie.
I practiced spelling.
11 January 2008
I drew a heart and a Bible.
I counted money.
I practiced words.
We played a memory game.
I started to knit
15 January 2008
I started to sew.
We played cards.
We swam 50 laps.
I read My Secret Unicorn page 1 to 4.
I made a shopping list.
The electricity was off.
16 January 2008
I learnt I must obey my leaders.
The electricity was off.
We went shopping.
17 January 2008
I made chicken a la king.
The electricity was off.
We played cards.
I sewed again.
21 January 2008
On the news they talked about power cuts.
We watched weather forecast. There was a 60% chance of rain.
We practiced ay spelling words like day and way.
We read My Secret Unicorn page 4-6.
I sewed on a button.
22 January 2008
On the news they talked about power cuts and a man who was charged with murder of Bret Kebble.
They talked about tennis in Australia.
We watched weather forecast. There was a 60% chance of rain.
I learned about google earth.
28 January 2008
Last week the power was off often.
Last week I practiced sh spelling.
Today I practiced th spelling.
I counted in twenties.
I counted my money.
We danced and did exercises.
29 January 2008
Yesterday I went to have my eyes checked.
Today I drew Joseph and his boss’s wife. He said no!
We watched weather forecast. There was a 30% chance of rain
4 February 2008
Last Thursday I burned my arm.
On Friday I went to my cousins’ house.
Today it is windy. We walked to the gate and back.
I practiced th spelling.
We played ball.
I weighed my animals. Duchess weighs 370g and Poodle weighs 110g.
5 February 2008
I practiced th spelling some more.
I nearly made a crab stand. We danced for 30 minutes.
We checked for Ingredients.
Chantel came to visit. We had chicken for lunch.
We watched High school musical 2.
6 February 2008
I went to the garage with Daddy. A man worked on his car.
I learned about the Passover ( Exodus 12).
We revised all the sight words until page 8 of My secret Unicorn.
7 February 2008
We went to the shop. We bought Food for R 98.65. I got R1.35 change.
I made lasagna without spinach. The shop did not have spinach.
8 February 2008
I watched news with my Daddy. Today was the opening of parliament. I saw President Mbeki.
Mommy is going to the dentist. I am going to the eye doctor.
11 February 2008
I played tennis. I sewed on the sewing machine. I made a bag.
13 February 2008
Yesterday I sewed a lot on the sewing machine. I typed a recipe.
Today I made my parents cards. I counted my money. I made a budget.
I made valentine cards.
15 February 2008
Yesterday we bought food at PicknPay . I made chicken pie and roast vegetables. Oom P.W. and Tannie Adele liked it.
Today we measured the distance between the house and the gate.
I did ½ price sums.
19 February 2008
Yesterday we practiced When and Where questions.
I made sums from 1+1=2, 2+2=4 till 25+25=50.
I practiced words of page 9 of My Secret Unicorn. I read pages 1-9.
Today I typed God’s ten great laws and painted the two stones. We walked 6 times to the gate and back i.e. 1.2 km.
22 February 2008
Yesterday I got my glasses. Now I can see better.
Today I made a fridge tart for
my birthday party on Saturday.
I practiced explaining how to make the tart with my teacher, in case my aunts ask me how I did it.
26 February 2008
My birthday party was on Saturday. Oliver, Thomas, Kaolin, Caelen, Lee, Monique, Rico, Verlin, Shaen, me and about 11 adults came to my party. We swam and ate a lot. It was a Bratz party. On Sunday it was my real birthday. Mommy and Daddy hid my present in their room. Mommy and Daddy gave me ponies. We went out for breakfast. We went shopping.
Yesterday we walked 7 times to the gate and back i.e. 1.4 km.
28 February 2008
I walked 300m. I baked a maize meal bread. I built the number line and did division sums (2 times table till 100)
29 February 2008
We walked 9 times to the gate and back i.e. 1.8 km.
I made a weather chart in Excel.
I took 11 minutes 48 seconds to complete the number line.
3 March 2008
I must let my light shine so that other people will honour God. I practiced tennis I hit the ball with the racket 7 out of 12 when teacher threw the ball at me.
I practiced new words for page 11 of My secret Unicorn. I learned +9 sums.
7 March 2008
We went for long walks on Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday, we walked to the main gate and back: 2.4km.
I read page 11-12 of My Secret Unicorn.
On Wednesday I sent my first E-mail to my mom. On Thursday, I made meatballs and I washed my hair myself. We ate fish at Woolworths.
Today we talked about healthy food. I’m going to sew.
11 March 2008
Yesterday I went to my Ouma’s house because my teacher miekie
was in Cape Town.
I sent an Email to my mommy.
I have a headache but teacher gave me medicine.
12 March 2008
This afternoon I’ll go with my daddy to the airport. Daddy will fetch me at 15:00 and then we will fetch Tannie Adele before we go to fetch Oom P.W.
This morning teacher and me walked to the horse stables and back =4.5km. It was hot, but it was fun. A plover gave us a fright when we walked close to its eggs on the ground.
I practiced +2 sums .
19 March 2008
On Thursday I made meatballs again and mash chopped up four pineapples.
We practiced our dance.
On Friday we practiced new words and I read page 13 of My Secret Unicorn.
On Monday and Tuesday I was sick.
Today we watched The Visual Bible: Matthew. It was about Jesus.
I practiced new +3 sums. I answered questions about page 13. I wrote neatly.
3 April 2008
Last week we had school holidays. It was Easter. On Family Day I was sick. Mommy was sick too. We slept a lot. On Thursday Shaen and me went to Ouma Louise. I played with Monique. We played sister-sister with books. On Friday I stayed at home and watched TV. My Daddy and me took Shaen to singing lesson. We bought some cold drinks while Shaen was singing. Yesterday we went to the movies. We saw Nanny. It was about a girl who had an old school. She danced in the class. I liked the movies.
Today is the first day of the 2nd term.
8 April 2008
On Sunday we had a picnic with Oom PW and Tannie Adel at their new house. Yesterday I did my homework: sums ( 10 - ), a Bible picture, and My Secret Unicorn page 16-17. Shaen was sick. Today we did more sums. We walked 5km. We bought chocolates for Jeannette because her husband died. We will fetch Caelen lunch time.
11 April 2008
Yesterday we walked around the block and our socks got wet from the dew. We saw some mole hills. I saw a picture of moles on the internet. Moles are hairy and have big claws. I looked up the pictures of Roy Roger and Trigger, a cowboy, and his horse on the internet. I made spaghetti. We fetched Caelen. We played power rangers in the swimming pool. Today I learned +4 sums and I worked out the distances between towns and how long it would take to get to Harrismith. I looked up the map in the road atlas. I read My Secret Unicorn.
17 April 2008
This last week I learned how to use a Map ( Road Atlas) I know the road from Pretoria to Durban. The distance is 638 km. I worked out the Distance on Excel.
Yesterday we walked to the gate again (5km). I searched the Cabana beach Hotel on the internet.
22 April 2008
Last Friday I baked cookies for our holidays. On Saturday my brother sang at Tannie Louise. I watched.
Yesterday I did sums: adding ones and tens for example 18+15. We revised all My Secret Unicorn words. : I remembered 249 / 333 words i.e. 75%. My teacher it is very good. We are going practice the ones I don’t know today.
23 April 2008The lady of the Department of Education visited us. She was happy with my homeschool. She told my Mommy we must have a register. It was my Daddy’s birthday I gave him a card. Dorette’s baby was born. My school closed.
5 May 2008
My Holidays:
24 April
We left for Durban at 12:00. We stopped at Harrismith and ate cheeseburgers at Spur. We went in Ouma Vossie’s house. I showed her my report. We slept at Tannie Lydia’s.
25 April
Robyn, Tayla, Caelen and me played lions.
26 April
We went to Umhlanga. We saw the dolphins in the sea.
27 April
We swam in the pool.
28 April
We went to the movies. We saw Nanny again.
29 April
It was cold.
30 April
The sun came out. We swam in the sea. The waves were low.
1 May
It was cold again. We went to the movies again.
2 May
The sun came out again. We swam in the sea again.
3 May
We went to Durban. It was Johnny’s birthday.
4 May
We came back at 18:00. I was sad because the holidays had ended.
School started today
9 May 2008
I made a Mother’s day card and I sewed a bag. I learned about Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit). I made a register on Excel. I typed April‘s weather on our Excel weather charts. We went to Dorette to see her baby. We walked to PicknPay with Dorette
16 May 2008
This week I learned about ½ and ¼ ( ¼ of 60 = 15, ½ of 100 = 50). I did sums like 7+5=12, 17+5=22, 27+5=32.
I learned words of My Secret Unicorn page 19-21. I looked up sc, sh, sk sm, sn words in the Dictionary. I know my alphabet.
I cooked broccoli and butternut.
Shaen sang in a competion. He got A+.
My Mother wrote an exam.
20 May 2008
I sewed a bag and made a card for my previous school principal, Teacher Zelna. We visited Teacher Zelna and I showed my books to her. I saw my friends at Tomorrow ‘s People.
I do sums.
My Mommy is sick.
23 May 2008Yesterday my Mommy took me to Tannie Marinda to check my pills and to treat me.
Today I learned in Bible lesson that I must be ready when Jesus comes back.
I looked Rome on Google Earth.
I read page 23-24 of My Secret Unicorn: Dreams Come True.
26 May 2008
On Saturday we went to Caelen’s house. We played with Caelen’s toys and my toys. We played with horses. Tannie Deonette lent me her drawing books. On Sunday we looked at tackies, but we did not buy any. We ate in a restaurant. We slept when we came home. My Mother did scrapbooking.
I do not feel so well today.
Today I learned in Bible that Children of God have hope: Paul did not die in the Shipwreck or when the snake bit him.
28 May 2008
Tannie Deonette sent me an E-mail of a bush pilot.Yesterday I made pancakes. I played with Kaolin. We played hide and seek. We read My Secret Unicorn. I did sums. I used the drawing book to draw a face.
I feel worse. I have a cold and I cough a lot.
I enjoyed the dogs that Teacher Miekie E-mailed me!
2 June 2008Last week I was sick: I was in bed for 2 days . I had a headache, backache, tummy ache and my throat was sore. I still have a cold
On Saturday we went to the new shops. We had lunch there. I had chicken, rice & vegetables (eggplant). After we came back, we sorted my clothes.
On Sunday my Mommy bought me new tackies and an orange T- shirt.
This morning Shaen gave me a fright when I came out of the shower.
4 June 2008
I forwarded Tannie Deonette’s E-mail of the planets and the sun to Thelwyn and Oom Jan.
Mommy is in the Sun City.
Today I cut out my skirt pattern. I looked up Sun City, New York and the White House in Washington on
Google Earth6 June 2008
Thelwyn sent me E-mail. I enjoyed the pictures and I read the sentences. I knew all the words except 13 words
I will practice these words regularly!
I am making a skirt for myself. I practiced spelling on the computer. I did 1/2 and 1/4 sums. We went to the shops to buy elastic for my skirt. We saw Dorette and Franco there and I pushed the pram.
Tomorrow my brother and I are going to make appletarts for Zelda.
9 June 2008
Last Friday I sewed my skirt.
On Saturday I went to Zelda’s birthday and my brother’s show. On Sunday we went to the movies.
We looked up the weather forecast on channel 415. It is cold today.
I talked about youth day. In 1976 the black children protested against their schools. Today everyone has the same rights. Today life is more fair (just) than 22 years ago.
I looked up the Comrades Marathon, it is 89km race from Durban to Pietermaritzburg.
13 June 2008
This week I learned to draw from the internet. I drew a body and faces. I made cards and fudge for Father’s Day.
Yesterday I looked up Wales and London on the internet. Wales is the best rugby team in the northern hemisphere. The Equator divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres. (sphere=ball shape) Queen Elizabeth’s palace is in London. I learned words for page 28 and page 29 of My Secret Unicorn.
Yesterday afternoon we played ball and we climbed on the rocks behind my house. Our clothes got so full of black jacks.
18 June 2008
On Saturday we saw the rugby match between Wales and the Springbucks at Oupa’s house.
On Sunday it was Father’s day. We went in the swimming pool room. We ate breakfast. I gave my Daddy the card I had made. I gave my Daddy fudge. He liked it very much. We laid the table with the silver plates. Ouma Louise, Oupa Willie, Tannie Jess. Oom Tjaart, Monique, and Rico came for lunch.
Monday we went to the movies. Caelen and Bea came with us. In Woolworths Sharne saw me and grabbed me around my waist.
Yesterday I made a card for my mother I bought her a gift at Pick’n pay.
Today is my mother‘s Happy Birthday. I did exercises. I drew a man sitting up in his coffin for Bible.
20 June 2008
Yesterday I played with cousin Caelen. We swam. It was parents day. My school closes today for three weeks. We go to the movies and Wimpy to celebrate!
14 July 2008
July Holidays
The 1st week we played ten pin bowling. Mommy, my brother Shaen, Lee were in the 1st group. Caelen, Gerdie, were in the 2nd group. Emsa, Pieter and me were in the 3rd group. Our group were the winners!
The week 2nd I made the card for my Teacher. The 3rd week Mommy was sick
Last Friday I went to the dentist. I got a bank card. On Sunday we had a picnic at Oom P.W.’s new house. We ate Nando’s and pizza.