Monday, May 4, 2009

My Homeschooling

Last Friday we went to the church. I recited the crucifixion to my friends. Other children also performed. We sang. Afterwards we went to Tannie Deonette’s house, where we had McDonalds. Lee and Sean took everyone’s take away orders.
On Sunday we went to the church again.
Yesterday we went to the gym.
I did a math’s test.
I read My Secret Unicorn for my reading test.
On Friday Ouma Vossie’s family came to visit. We had a braai and Ouma Vossie’s milk tart.
I saw the Bolt DVD, which my mom had bought, and I enjoyed it a lot. It is about a dog that gets superpowers to look after Pennie.
We stayed at home. My daddy watched his rugby and my mommy put the dishes away and my brother made his mask and painted it red. Then he added yellow circles and stripes. He left it to dry.


Tamerin Mare said...

Happy Brithday Deorette

Jan and Miekie said...

Hi Tammy
I enjoyed watching the Bolt DVD too. May I borrow it from you one day?

Tamerin Mare said...

Yes you may.