Thursday, May 7, 2009

Matthew 6:6 Jesus Teaches about Prayer

6 May 2009
When you pray go into a room by yourself. After you have shut the door, pray to your Father Who is in secret. They your Father Who sees in secret will reward you.
I must have a private relationship with God


Molytail said...

Tamarin, you are a wise young lady. Many of us neglect that private relationship with God - I know I have been, and I suspect that's why I ended up on your blog this morning.. I was searching around on random homeschool blogs (I'm a homeschooling mom - our kids are 12 and 10) and landed here, on yours, at this entry. A good reminder, some conviction, and very timely. Thank you!


Molytail said...

Oops, I'm sorry! I spelled your name with an A where there should be an E.. sorry about that! :-)

Tamerin Mare said...

Thank you for visting my blog. I think God had a purpose for me. I actually published the verses on the wrong blog.

Molytail said...

Hi again! I went away on a trip with our kids and am only now finally catching up with the blogs that I like to read! :-)

I think He did as well - to have it turn out that you "accidentally" put the verses on the wrong blog (I see your other blog listed there, so I get what you mean)...I don't think that was any kind of "accident".