Tuesday, April 21, 2009


There are 23,000,000 registered voters in South Africa. If 80% of the voters vote, there will be 18,400,000 votes. There are 400 seats in parliament. To get one seat a party will then need 46,000 votes. To get a 66% majority the ANC will need 12,144,000 votes.
With a 2/3 majority they can change laws too easily. We don’t want that. I hope the opposition parties get 50% of the votes. That means 9,200,000 votes.


Adelaide Dupont said...

Thank you for all your awesome calculations about the elections.

In a lot of countries - excluding the ones which have compulsory voting - 80% don't vote. in countries like Britain and the US, less than 40% of the eligible voters vote.

It will be an important election for South Africa.

What an interesting point you made about the African National Congress. Which laws are you thinking of that could be changed, or is it the principle of the thing?

And who are some of the opposition parties? I know that there is COPE, and a party which is loosely described as the one for the affluent (Afrikaans) minority.

Tamerin Mare said...

It is very wonderful